Hydraulic disc brakes are used on all types of bikes. The system includes hydraulic fluid, brake calipers, and disc rotors to slow you down. It’s a powerful and efficient for all riding conditions. Easy to maintain, too. You just have to bleed the system whenever it starts to feel spongy or ineffective. Here are the two reasons this need to be done. And how often to do it.
Air in the Brake System
It’s common for air to make its way into the system. From things like leaking seals or connections, brake line damage, or improper bleeding. Then the brakes can’t work effectively. The telling sign is a spongy or loose lever that has to be squeezed harder than usual to slow you down.
Contaminated Brake Fluid
Hydraulic brake fluid picks up dirt, water, and other contaminates over time. Making it old and discolored. Adding new fluid occasionally will help the brakes work better and last longer.
How Often to Bleed the Brakes
You should bleed your hydraulic disc brakes at least once a year. Even if there are no signs of air in the system or contaminated fluid. Do it more frequently if you ride more aggressively or use the brakes heavily. Every system has its own bleeding process. Consult the manufacturer for specific instructions.
Bike Brake Service in Scottsdale, AZ
Get professional brake bleeding help at Airpark Bike Co. Our team can handle this service based on your bike’s manufacturer instructions. Then your brake system will be like new again. And you’ll be ready for more great times on the roads and trails. We can also handle flat repair, chain replacement, and more. Come to us for all of your cycling needs!